Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sexuality (Homosexuality/Weird Fetishes) and Depression/Suicide

Recently, there were six (I believe) gay high school kids who committed suicide in a city close to where I live.  I, personally, have no idea why this happened, and I think whoever bullied them so much as to kill themselves is just freaking sick in the head.  It's outrageous that this could happen, because the gay community in that city is huge and up around where I live, most people think it's rude to not accept someone because of their sexuality.

I believe the reason people with a different sexual orientation or "abnormal" sexualities and end up with depression is because the American culture does not educate our people enough.  Also, despite our horridly sexed up movies, TV, music, etc., we are of a Puritan background.  We are kind of programmed to be ashamed of anything other than heterosexual sex in the missionary position.  With the whole "sex sells" thing out in the media, we've started to incorporate other sex acts into the norm, but most of them are geared towards the heterosexual male.

So, I just thought it would be good for me to announce something to all you GLBTQ and weird fetish people out there- YOU'RE NORMAL:)  No matter what people say.  First of all, GLBTQ people, by now, you should KNOW you're normal.  Yeah, I guess you could say the creator of earth or Mother Nature did not intend for people to have sex with the same sex, get sex changes, etc., but who cares?  Why does it even matter?  Don't be ashamed because you are gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgendered, etc.

As for the weird fetish people, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone and everyone is consensual, it's healthy.  It may not be "normal," but really, that's what a fetish is.  Something that is sexually arousing to you that isn't normally to others.  If you have a fetish for menstruation, go ahead and earn your red wings!  If you have a fetish for stuffed animals, go ahead and live out your fuzzy dream!  If you have a fetish for spanking, spank away!  THE ONLY THINGS THAT I WOULD BE CAUTIOUS ABOUT ARE SADISM, HURTING YOURSELF (LIKE AMPUTATION/DANGER/SUFFOCATION FETISHES), BODILY FLUIDS/POOP AND PREGNANT LADY FETISHES.  HERE'S WHY:

SADISM: Don't hurt your partner unless they are okay with it.  Also, don't pressure anyone into being hurt.  This is something that someone shouldn't have to compromise on.  If you can't live without it and you're partner is uncomfortable with it, either ask for an open relationship or find another partner.  I heard of a guy who felt he could not have sex with his girlfriend without hurting her.  She hated having rough sex, and he once put hot sauce on his penis before he had sex with her without telling her.  That is in NO WAY okay.  Yes, he loved her, so my advice to him?  Talk to her, compromise on something that doesn't hurt her, don't do anything without her permission again, and if you need to, find someone else.  This is the same for humiliation and degrading remarks during sex.  Really, if someone is not into that, it can cause them lots of emotional harm.

HURTING YOURSELF:  This should be obvious...

BODILY FLUIDS/POOP:  I BELIEVE (but not 100% sure) that menstruation is safe.  Pee and sweat are definitely safe.  I'd be extremely cautious of sexual fluids.  They can pass diseases very easily.  You do NOT want an STD in your throat or mouth!!  Also, feces for obvious reasons.  Don't eat it.  There are many bacteria that can make you sick that lurk in people's bowels and rectums.  Rimming might be okay, if your partner takes a shower.

PREGNANT LADIES:  Do NOT get someone pregnant who does not want to be!  End of story.  Also, if someone has an ovarian cyst, they need to have it drained. If it gets too large, it can kill them if it pops.  (It was an episode of house where a lady had an ovarian cyst that was so large it made her look pregnant, but she kept it there, because her husband had a fetish for pregnant women.)

Here's some lists of weird fetishes just for fun:)  They are not that weird, since obviously enough people have them for it to be known.

I have known MULTIPLE people who have had different fetishes on this list.
I thought this one was cute:)

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